Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

Bailey Reviews Things

Book: Red Queen

Author: Victoria Aveyard

Published: February 10, 2015

Genre: YA fantasy

A person will always have their version of how they want a story to end. Typically, it does not match up with the story’s ending because people want a happy ending. Red Queen, on the other hand, ended in a way that I would not want it any other way. But that’s the ending. What about the rest of the book?

This is one book that may seem like a typical fantasy YA novel. Yes, it has parts of it that you can find in any fantasy YA but Victoria Aveyard makes it seem original and draws you in with her vivid scenes and beautiful diction. There is not a dull word in this book.

The characters have personalities and each one is different and unique. Mare is sarcastic, strong, and independent making her a good…

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